October 2017 News
Submitted by RonHanson on Tue, 10/24/2017 - 07:31
Ugh! Puns!
Top 10 Haunted Cities in North America
Sterling Homes October 2017 Newsletter

It’s October in Michigan. Pumpkins, apples, cider and donuts - plus pumpkin spice everything from pie to dish soap! In this month’s issue of our newsletter we’ll give you an overview on planting those spring bulbs so your spring is as colorful as the fall. In the spirit of the season we’re offering up some ideas on last minute Halloween costumes. And finally, just for fun, the most haunted cities in North America - we wouldn’t want to inspect those homes late at night! Happy Halloween, enjoy your pumpkin spice Spam!
Spring Bulbs in October
Remember in the spring, when your neighbor’s daffodils, tulips, and hyacinth came up and you opened your windows on that side of the house to catch a whiff, and enjoy the color? Remember how you said - “Next spring, I’m going to have flowers in my yard!”
Remember that?
Well, now is the time to address that promise you made to yourself.
Remember that?

When to plant
You can plant spring bulbs right up until the ground freezes. Of course, who wants to be out digging in the dirt when it’s freezing outside. Do it now. Your local garden store probably has a nice selection of bulbs right now, too.
What to plant
Spring flowering bulbs are fragrant and beautiful and include: tulip, daffodil, hyacinth, crocus, scilla, snowdrop, and glory of the snow.
Make sure the bulbs are free of mold and are firm, not mushy. Buy the biggest and best bulbs you can afford for special flower beds and borders, but go for less expensive smaller bulbs for a naturalizing look.
Make sure the bulbs are free of mold and are firm, not mushy. Buy the biggest and best bulbs you can afford for special flower beds and borders, but go for less expensive smaller bulbs for a naturalizing look.
Where to plant
Most flowering bulbs require around 5-6 hours of sun daily, so pick a warm sunny location. in borders, in flower beds, or scattered around the edges of your house and yard.
Find a spot with good drainage as well. Avoid areas where standing water accumulates.
Find a spot with good drainage as well. Avoid areas where standing water accumulates.
How to plant
Read the recommendations on the bulb label but generally bulbs are planted about 8” deep for large bulbs and closer to 5” deep for small. Place the bulb in the hole with the pointy side up. Fill the hole back up with soil but don’t pack it. Water lightly to stimulate the root growth, then leave it.
Be ready for a burst of flowering beauty in the spring!
DETROIT Real Estate Healthy and Growing
We noticed that Detroit real estate caught the notice of Realtor.com and the New York Times (Read Detroit Real Estate Heats Up)
In August, Detroit listings caught the number five spot for Realtor.com’s Market Hotness Index. This index measures how long a listing takes to sell and how many page views the listing receives on Realtor.com. In August, the median listing time for a Detroit home was just 39 days.
In August, Detroit listings caught the number five spot for Realtor.com’s Market Hotness Index. This index measures how long a listing takes to sell and how many page views the listing receives on Realtor.com. In August, the median listing time for a Detroit home was just 39 days.
If you’re ready to sell or just thinking about it, consider scheduling a home inspection. Sterling Home Services can give your home a thorough inspection so there are no surprises when you’ve got that perfect seller with a pending offer!
5 Ideas for Last Minute “Punny” Halloween Costumes

Need to throw together a costume for the last minute Halloween party invitation? Here are some conversation starter costumes!
- Beer on Tap -wear your tap shoes and your favorite Budweiser t-shirt (or Corona, or Sam Adams, you get it.)
- Green with Envy - this is a couple’s costume, one wears all green, the other wears a name tag with “ENVY” on it. Green WITH Envy, get it?
- Leaf blower - hang a leaf from your ball cap with string so that it hangs in front of your mouth. Pucker up and blow!
- Baby sitter - fix a baby doll across your backside and sit down. You’re a baby sitter.
- Identity thief - we predict this is going to be a big one this year - wear your best burglar mask and affix “Hello my name is…” stickers to your t-shirt. Fill in various names on the stickers you’ve stolen.
Ugh! Puns!
Top 10 Haunted Cities in North America
These North American cities boast some pretty interesting hauntings! If you're a thrill seeker (shrill seeker?) you may want to consider a vacation to one of these goulish hot spots for a tour, or a stay in a haunted hotel! Get the full article here.
- New Orleans, LA - Voodoo, and vampires - duh!
- Savannah, GA - built on American Indian burial grounds and the site of Revolutionary and Civil War battles
- Charleston, SC - The Old City Jail in this city housed Civil War prisoners and pirates
- New York City, NY - There’s even a “Ghosts of New York Walking Tour” if you’re brave enough
- Philadelphia, PA - the Eastern State Penitentiary is the hot ghostly spot in this city
- Portland, OR - Many haunted tours through the dark tunnels connecting hotels and bars to the docks
- San Francisco, CA - Alcatraz (mic drop)
- Chicago, IL - two major fires in this city killed more than 900 people who may not have left!
- Washington, DC - lots of history, lots of ghosts!
Quebec City - haunted battlefields, haunted tunnels, and a haunted hotel.