June News
Submitted by RonHanson on Mon, 06/20/2016 - 12:37

June marks the true start of summer. Often June rushes by and we find ourselves cleaning up from Independence day wondering what happened to the first part of summer? This month's article has a few pointers for how to set yourself up to enjoy this lovely time of year. Other items in this month's article include average home prices for 42 Michigan areas from the last 11 years, what it takes to hold a successful yard sale, and of course your June home maintenance to do list!
Real Estate: What’s Happening in My Neighborhood
How much does a home cost in the area where you live? How much does a home cost in the area where you want to live?

MLive recently posted an article with an interactive database with home price averages in 42 real estate markets throughout Michigan. Data was collected from the Michigan Realtors association and covers average home prices from 2005 to April 2016.

MLive recently posted an article with an interactive database with home price averages in 42 real estate markets throughout Michigan. Data was collected from the Michigan Realtors association and covers average home prices from 2005 to April 2016.
Michigan real estate continues to rebound and housing prices and sales are up from last year. Here are 6 other facts according to the Michigan Realtors Association:
- Michigan housing prices peaked in 2005 and number of sales peaked in 2004.
- Michigan housing prices bottomed out in 2009.
- 2015 was the strongest year for sales and prices since 2009.
- Compared to 2005, the Midland area housing prices have rebounded best and Clare-Gladwin area have seen the smallest increases in price.
- The Detroit Association of Realtors has the lowest average home price of the 42 Michigan associations that reported numbers in 2015.
- The Grosse Pointe Realtors Association reported the highest average sales price in 2015.
Summer Time Bargains
It’s yard sale season! Shopping yard sales is a favorite past time for many folks. And selling your items at your own garage sale can have many benefits: You get to visit with your neighbors when they stop by to shop, you make a few extra bucks, you declutter and clean out your house. But many a neighbor has dragged a truckload of belongings to the yard and sold nothing. Either nobody came, or people came but nobody bought. Here are a few tips for hosting a successful, and lucrative, yard sale.
There are many ways to advertise your garage sale. The local paper is a good investment in many areas. Search Facebook book for yard sale/garage sale groups in your town or county. Craig’s list postings are free and easy, too. Street signs are almost a necessity. Make sure your signs are sturdy, bright colored with big, bold lettering. Keep the wording very simple such as:
Yard Sale
1243 Elm St.
Fri-Sat 9-3
Yard Sale
1243 Elm St.
Fri-Sat 9-3
Have plenty of money on hand to make change. Keep pricing simple to keep the math quick and simple. If you have larger items for sale, have larger bills available to make change. Keep your money in a apron with deep pockets. Have all your items organized and be ready to start the sale on time.
Retail stores put displays down the center aisle and on end-caps to lure you in and attract attention. Do the same with your sale. Make sure all your items are clean and look good. Put the “like new” kayak out front, set it up so people can see. Arrange the patio furniture set at the end of the driveway. Hang and fold clothes neatly (and re-fold and rearrange as customers pick through them). Set your items up so they are attractive and inviting.
Make sure everything has a price, but you can price in bulk. For instance, you may have a table of books. Use one sign for the table: “Books! Hardcover $1 Paperback 3 for $1”
or “Clothing: $1 per item unless noted” so that you can price larger, newer or nicer pieces separately. And price it right. Some say yard sale prices should be 1/3 what the item cost new but of course it depends on how worn the item is and how badly you want to see it go! Remember, your shoppers are looking for deals and you are looking to move the merchandise.
or “Clothing: $1 per item unless noted” so that you can price larger, newer or nicer pieces separately. And price it right. Some say yard sale prices should be 1/3 what the item cost new but of course it depends on how worn the item is and how badly you want to see it go! Remember, your shoppers are looking for deals and you are looking to move the merchandise.
Be reasonable. Some people are happy to pay the posted price but many will want to bargain with you. For your benefit if a shopper’s purchase comes to $11.50 it’s sometimes easier to take $10 than to wait while a busy mom rummages through her purse for the extra $1.50. Be firm when you know you are already offering a great deal, such as that “like new” kayak priced at $200 that sells for $400 brand new.
Many yard sale patrons will visit several sales in one day. Offering a drink or snack is a good way to get them to stay and look around a little longer. You can let your kids set up a lemonade and cookie stand, or offer cans of soda or bottled water for a small fee.
Everyone loves freebies. A large box of cheap little toys marked “Free” will keep little ones busy while parents browse the sale. You can get rid of additional items with a “Gift With Purchase” table. Load up a table with free items and for every $25 spent allow a shopper to pick something from the free table. Or for fun, wrap the item for a “grab bag” surprise.
Summer-ize the House
Summer is here. In Michigan we want to get out and enjoy the warmth as much as we can. This June’s home maintenance list includes a number of tips to simplify and organize so you can get out an enjoy the summer!
- Paint - June still has some coolness to it. If you are planning on any exterior paint jobs, June is the perfect month to do it.
- Foundation inspection- Look for any cracks in the foundation. Small cracks that don’t pose any structural problems can be the cause of leaks or an entry point for pests. Seal any cracks.
- Gutters - Keep the gutters free of leaves and debris.
- Stow away school supplies - If you have school aged kids, have them empty their school bags and backpacks. Stow away the lunch bags, paper work, pens, crayons, etc. Don’t let those orange slices rot away all summer!
- Pull out the summer supplies - Get the bicycle tires pumped up, pull out and organize the golf clubs, rubber bases, baseball mitts, beach toys, nets, and rackets.
- Repair fences and garden structures - Keep your shrubs and trees trimmed away from the fence to prevent damage. A fresh coat of paint on the gazebo or fence every year will keep it protected and looking good for many years.
- Clear out the kitchen - Going through your kitchen and storing away any rarely used or unused items adds space and organization. If you don’t miss the items you store away, consider selling or donating them. Less stuff in the cupboards and drawers make organization and cleanup easier and faster.
- Set up a beach/pool towel drying spot - You don’t have to wash them after each use. Wet, sandy towels should be hang dried first so the sand doesn’t clog up the washer and dryer. Hanging them up to dry either in the sun or somewhere in the laundry room makes it easier to shake out the sand.
- Wash the washer - Run an empty wash cycle with a 1C of white vinegar instead of detergent.
- Make your summer bucket list - Before you know it fall will be here. Make a list of the things you want to do this summer and keep it in clear site. Make it a priority to pick a couple of things each week to do, to savor the season!
Relax - It’s summer! Sit in the sun, lay by the pool, rock on the porch as the storm rolls in. Make sure you take some good, solid “do-nothing-time” this summer.
Facts abut June:
June is the month with the longest daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere
June’s birthstone is the pearl, Moonstone, and Alexandrite
June’s birth flower is the rose and honeysuckle
June was the most popular name for girls in USA in 2009
June is derived from either Juno, goddess of marriage, or from Iuniores (young people)
June is the only month to always begin on a different day of the week than every other month in that year. (Example: if June 1 is a Wednesday, no other month begins on a Wednesday for that year!)
June is international men’s month
June’s birthstone is the pearl, Moonstone, and Alexandrite
June’s birth flower is the rose and honeysuckle
June was the most popular name for girls in USA in 2009
June is derived from either Juno, goddess of marriage, or from Iuniores (young people)
June is the only month to always begin on a different day of the week than every other month in that year. (Example: if June 1 is a Wednesday, no other month begins on a Wednesday for that year!)
June is international men’s month