January 2017 News
Submitted by RonHanson on Wed, 01/25/2017 - 09:20
Happy 2017
As always, taking the time up front to keep your home organized and in good repair can help you avoid catastrophe and maintains its high value!
source: http://www.jokebuddha.com/January#ixzz4WhrXvHfr
Happy 2017
Our year is off to a terrific start, we hope yours is too. There is much to look forward to in this new year, and so much we can do to make it the best. In this month’s newsletter we’re introducing Ron’s Take it Local corner, highlighting some of the exceptional service providers in southeast Michigan. This month’s we’d like to introduce you to Boardwalk Floors for concrete and wood flooring. Also, what are the 7 things you must know about homeowners insurance? We looked into it and came up with this list! Finally, your general home maintenance tips for January. Click through to get the full newsletter!
Take it Local
This month we're introducing Ron's local corner "Take it Local." You'll get insider information about some local providers. If you'd like your company to be featured in the "Take it Local" column, contact Ron Hanson at Sterling Home Services. This month's feature is Boardwalk Flooring, specialists in wood and concrete flooring.
If you’re wondering about the value of decorative concrete, here are some advantages it has over ordinary concrete and other non-concrete applications.
Improve The Aesthetics
Today, concrete is no longer represented by a big slab of grey. Decorative coatings transform a slab of cement into a beautiful creation that can stand on its own. You'll no longer need to cover it up with rugs or other ornaments. We can mix dyes to create different hues or we can add stones, rocks, tiles, even a wood floor pattern for a more unique look.

Design Flexibility
Boardwalk Floors offer design flexibility that is not available with other floor finishes. Use them to create stained, acid-etched, stamped, or polished floors. Polished floors are common in many public locations because they are durable, beautiful, and easy to maintain.
Long Lasting
Concrete is durable and strong, so its rigidity will help it hold up to almost any physical impact. Add a decorative concrete coating on the top, and you’ll have floors that are beautiful and timeless. This means that your floors will last for many years, and will be impervious to most loads. Garage floor epoxy will further protect the floors from wind, water, and chemical damage. Decorative concrete is durable and resistant to most damage so they don’t need constant repairs or maintenance. You’ll spend less on maintenance and repairs.
Wood floors
Our company can come in and bring your old floor back to life looking brand new. Sand your existing floors, apply stain of choice and apply oil base finish on top. Install new floors throughout as well as matching new wood to your existing wood. Install molding and all repair work. We also provide a 1-year wear through warranty
Visit us online at:
7 Things You Need to Know About Homeowners Insurance
1 Your agent
You’ll find comparable homeowners’ insurance plans from company to company, comparable in cost and coverage. So make sure you work with an agent you trust. Choose a person who has time for you, will answer your questions and take time to make sure you understand your policy.

2 Get covered before you close
If you’re buying a new house, chances are you will need homeowner’s insurance coverage before you close. Again, this is where a helpful and knowledgeable agent comes into play. It’s the agent’s job to make sure you understand the requirements of homeowner’s insurance.
3 Learn key terms
Policy, premium, deductible - these are a few of the terms that you will need to understand when it comes to insurance.
4 Discounts
Ask your agent about discounts that are available to you. Many homeowner’s insurance policies offer a smattering of discount for a variety of reasons: multiple policy (using the same company for homeowners and auto insurance, for example), good credit, security systems, metal roof, membership to certain organizations, etc.
5 Garage clause
In many cases your homeowners insurance does not cover the vehicles in your garage (auto, ATV, motorcycle, boats, RV, etc.). Check your policy and make sure you have adequate coverage on these vehicles either through your auto insurance or a clause in your homeowners insurance in case there is a house fire or other catastrophe in your home.
6 Read your policy
It’s not suspenseful page turner but it is very important to know what is in your policy. Is your $10,000 engagement ring covered? If a tree falls on your barn is it covered? Did you get a multiple policy discount?
7 Review your policy annually
Things change. Maybe you tore down the barn last year. Adjust your policy so you no longer pay for coverage on it. Maybe you built a barn. That security system you installed could save you hundreds each year.
Home maintenance for January
January in Michigan tends to be pretty cold. It's a good time of year to clean the nest - the inside of the nest! Here are some ideas for keeping your home in tip top operating condition.
- Replace water filters - there may be several and replacing them all at once will improve water flow and quality. Water filters can be found in water pitchers, on your faucet (above or below the counter), in the icemaker, and attached to the main water line for your house.
- Clean water drains in tubs and sinks - keep them clean and clear instead of waiting until the sink backs up! remove the grate or stopper; use a plastic drain stick (a barbed, two-foot long, bendable stick) to carefully remove hair and gunk built up in the pipes; pour a cup of bleach down the drain and let it sit for 15 minutes, to kill mold and mildew; clean the sink/tub thoroughly and replace the drain or stopper.
Clean your closets - Winter is a great time to organize and purge. Start by emptying the
closet completely; take everything out; dust and vacuum the inside of the closet; sort your items into keep, toss, donate and in the keep pile separate items that don't belong in your closet; finally refill the closet.
- Take a home inventory - for insurance purposes, it's good to have an up to date inventory. These days a home inventory is easy, just walk through your home with your smart phone or digital camera. Either photograph your belongings or take a video. Open closets and drawers that contain valuable items (like DVDs, fur coats, instruments, etc.) Focus on individual items of value and record their make and model info. Take detailed photos of valuable jewelry and make a file containing purchase information like scans of receipts or certificates of authenticity. Save your files (videos, photos and text files) to a CD or DVD and to the cloud. Put one of the DVDs in a safe deposit box or store it remotely, with a relative or insurance agent.
As always, taking the time up front to keep your home organized and in good repair can help you avoid catastrophe and maintains its high value!
Pet’s New Year’s Resolutions

- I will not eat other animals' poop.
- I will not lick my human's face after eating animal poop.
- I do not need to suddenly stand straight up when I'm lying under the coffee table.
- My head does not belong in the refrigerator.
- I will no longer be beholden to the sound of the can opener.
- Cats: Circulate a petition that sleeping become a juried competition in major animal shows.
- Come to understand that cats are from Venus; dogs are from Mars.
- Take time from busy schedule to stop and smell the behinds.
- Hamster: Don't let them figure out I'm just a rat on steroids, or they'll flush me!
- Get a bite in on that freak who gives me that shot every year.
- Grow opposable thumb; break into pantry; decide for MYSELF how much food is *too* much.
- Cats: Use new living room sofa as scratching post.
- January 1st: Kill the sock! Must kill the sock! January 2nd - December 31: Re-live victory over the sock.
- The garbage collector is NOT stealing our stuff. AND the Number 1 New Year's Resolutions Made by Pets...
- I will NOT chase the stick until I see it LEAVE THE IDIOT'S HAND
source: http://www.jokebuddha.com/January#ixzz4WhrXvHfr